The Massar's Network team can be contacted by email at We prefer email, but in an emergency the phone number in our RIPE object can be used.
Abuse Reports
In the, likely very rare case, of abuse from our network, don't hesitate to contact
Security Issues / Reports
Please report security related problems directly to
Note that we can only offer a big acknowledgement as an honorable mention for your responsible disclosure, we are not backed by a large organisation thus do not offer any kind of bounties.
Please use
Mode of Operation
Massar's Network is a private non-profit hobby project, nothing commercial. While it is a hobby project, it is run professionally, abuse is handled, and proper net hygiene is taken care of.
Postal address
Physical mail could in theory be sent to our virtual PEAX address which accepts physical letters.
Postfach 1207 PEAX ID 473.1849.6740.89 CH-6341 Baar Switzerland
But as it is 2025, a digital email is prefered. Please contact us per email for most needs.